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Currency Exchange

Real Time Foreign Currency Exchange Rates

Last updated at: April 26, 2024 10:30
Code Currency name Country Buying rate Selling rate #
AUD Australian Dollar Australia $0.626617
GBP British Pound United Kingdom $1.211732
CAD Canadian Dollar Canada $0.697368
CNY Chinese Yuan China $0.131062
EUR European Euro EU $1.039215
IQD Iraqi Dinar Iraq $0.000648
IQD 1,543.209877
IQD 851.063830
JPY Japanese Yen Japan $0.006157
MXN Mexican Peso Mexico $0.057021
SGD Singapore Dollar Singapore $0.692504
SGD 1.444035
SGD 1.294183
CHF Swiss Franc Switzerland $1.078211
CHF 0.927462
CHF 0.883372
USD US Dollar United States $1.000000
All rates

How can we help you?

While we offer the best rates on the market, we will price match in case a competitor is providing cheaper ones. All you have to do is notify us! Once we verify that they have the currency in stock and check for additional fees, we will give you the best deal on the market.

While US Currency strives hard to cater to its walk-in clients, you are advised to call your nearest branch beforehand. Verily, our representative will guide you accordingly, so you know what documentation you need to bring on your visit.

Yes. US currency no longer exchanges outdated versions of notes, bills. US currency no longer exchanges outdated versions of notes, bills.

US Currency currently does not accept coins.

The buy rate is when US currency buys the customers foreign currency. On the other hand, the sell rate is when US currency sells the customer foreign currency.

Visit our currency exchange page, use the currency exchange calculator and add to your cart or click on the calculator next to your desired currency.

After you submit your order, you will receive a call confirming your preferred location and time of availability. If the desired currency is not picked up on the same day as the order, your exchange rate can be subject to change.

Us Currency does not accept outdated bills anymore, due to that we would have to look at all banknotes or bills before processing the transaction.